25 Famous quotes by Buddha

Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal

In whom there is no sympathy for living beings: know him as an outcast

Should you find a wise critic to point out your faults, follow him as you would a guide to hidden treasure

Should a seeker not find a companion who is better or equal, let them resolutely pursue a solitary course

Delight in heedfulness! Guard well your thoughts!

May all beings have happy minds

Should a person do good, let him do it again and again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good.”

Let none find fault with others; let none see the omissions and commissions of others. But let one see one’s own acts, done and undone

Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good

“I will not look at another’s bowl intent on finding fault: a training to be observed.

Conquer anger with non-anger. Conquer badness with goodness. Conquer meanness with generosity. Conquer dishonesty with truth

Those who cling to perceptions and views wander the world offending people

Radiate boundless love towards the entire world

disciplined mind brings happiness.

They blame those who remain silent, they blame those who speak much, they blame those who speak in moderation. There is none in the world who is not blamed.

To support mother and father, to cherish wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation — this is the greatest blessing

All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill

Resolutely train yourself to attain peace

Ardently do today what must be done. Who knows? Tomorrow, death comes.

The world is afflicted by death and decay. But the wise do not grieve, having realized the nature of the world

One is not called noble who harms living beings. By not harming living beings one is called noble

Better it is to live one day seeing the rise and fall of things than to live a hundred years without ever seeing the rise and fall of things.

Live with no sense of ‘mine,’ not forming attachment to experiences

All conditioned things are impermanent—when one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering.

Give, even if you only have a little.

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