25 famous quotes by helen keller

Are you a William Helen keller fan, searching for the famous quotes by Helen Keller, then below we are provide you the 25 famous quotes by Helen Keller, which you can share social media right now.

Literature is my Utopia. Here I am not disenfranchised. No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourses of my book friends. They talk to me without embarrassment or awkwardness.

The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker.

The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of tiny pushes of each honest worker.

I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace.

There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.

The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.

Once I knew only darkness and stillness… my life was without past or future… but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living.

Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all – the apathy of human beings.

All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.

Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others.

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No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit.

To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.

Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other’s welfare, social justice can never be attained.

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.

Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.

Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.

When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.

The highest result of education is tolerance.

We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.

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It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.

What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.

Life is either a great adventure or nothing.

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.

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